Monday, February 20, 2012

A Little Background

I have spent the last few years trying to decide what to do with my life. While all my friends have graduated college and started their new career, I have been a part time nanny, weighing all of my options. I'm not real sure why this has been so difficult for me. What I enjoy doing is right in front of me..helping children. I want to teach, but not in a classroom setting. I want to help children in need, or just a child that is willing to learn something new. I want to start, or join a reach out program for children of all ages, but I must have credentials to stand by. I am hoping to start volunteering for the Edna Gladney Foundation, (I just emailed them yesterday!) as well as the Big Brother Big Sister Program. I am planning on going back to school to finish my degree, as well, with hopes of finding an awesome job with an organization that will allow me to help and teach children. Once I get my career in order, I want to be a foster parent as well.

Nothing is more important to have a family to lean on, but there are some (or a lot) of children that never get the opportunity to grow up with a loving and caring family. It's heartbreaking to think of all the children that are put up for adoption, and live there until they are 17 or 18 years old, when they can finally move out on their own. I hope to give this opportunity to at least one child. I want to foster, with hopes of eventually adopting.  I am capable of having my own child, and I want to, but I also want to give the opportunity for a child that didn't have the chance, to be raised in a nurturing house hold.

The children at the adoption agency deserve to have the best, as well as any child out there. In order for this to happen, the adoption agency needs donations. I have decided to make crosses to sell. At least 30% of the proceeds will go to the Edna Gladney Foundation. I have always enjoyed crafting, so I figured this was a way to make a hobby all worth it. Once I get several crosses made, I am going to start an etsy site as well.

With Love,


  1. What can I do to help ? G/ma

  2. For starters, you can be on the look out for wooden crosses on sale..I've been looking to see if there is any website where I can buy them by bulk for cheaper. Thanks Grandma!!

  3. Good for you. Let me know if you need any help with ETSY. I have had lots of luck on there. Sounds fun too!
